Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ocean Side

* these pieces are from several years ago at university, presented as a way of charting the changes in my writing, and re-evaluating pieces I was very happy with at that stage.

Moments captured in photographs.
You with a smile
and the sun setting behind you,
casting an eerie redness on everything

such tragedy in serenity
such serenity in tragedy

The waves roling wearily onto the sand
then gently receeding to come back later,
occasionally they come close enough
to lap at the tyres on your car
parked so close to the water.

Seagulls fly overhead with nowhere to go
and nowhere they need to have been.
The windows rolled up tight
and the engine pumping carbon monoxide into your lungs.
Your head slumped across the wheel,
the horn ringing solemnly.

such tragedy in serenity
such serenity in tragedy

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